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Conscious Empowered Birth
book list & reviews

There are so many books out there! Click a link to read a review of some of the most useful, informative recommended books:

American Academy of Pediatrics New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding by Joan Younger and Sherill Tippins
short, simple and to the point, but detailed and very useful as a resource to new moms

The Baby Book by William and Martha Sears
detailed book about all things related to your new baby, very helpful and thorough, from a leading baby expert

Birth Matters: A Midwife’s Manifesta by Ina May Gaskin
one of the most respected midwives view of the sacred power women hold through the domain of birth, along with the deep incongruence about women's treatment during pregnancy and birth when they often have little-to-no decision-making power 

The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
the essential guide for any birth partner to learn significant and urgent ways to manage any situation that emerges in birth

Birthing in the Spirit by Cathy Daub
an inspiring, comprehensive, much-needed book about the foundation of what birth should be (actually is but we have forgotten) and how human values practiced in birth reveal its transformative potential -- for mothers and parents, babies' health -- and the deep significance of this for healing and long-term health and wellness of our world

Birth Reborn by Michel Odent
tells the story of Pithiviers, France, a birth clinic where evidence shows better births and outcomes emerge from natural birth

Birthing Normally: A Personal Growth Approach to Childbirth by Gayle Peterson
a brilliant academic look at the tremendous opportunity for women through holistic care of spiritual and personal growth

The Breastfeeding Answer Book by La Leche League
likely the most detailed and comprehensive source on breastfeeding, for specific questions and answers

The Doula Book-How a Trained Labor Companion Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier and Healthier Birth
by Marshall A. Klaus, John H. Kennell, & Phyllis H. Klaus
highlights the need for a woman to have support, given the tendency toward more medicalized, less personal births

Essential Exercises for the Childbearing Years by Elizabeth Noble
a classic book that helps you get back in shape safely and smartly

Giving Birth-A Journey into the World of Mothers and Midwives by Catherine Taylor
looks at the challenges of midwives working in modern medical facilities, an insightful look at how true midwifery support really helps

Misconceptions by Naomi Wolf
gives an honest account of the ups and down of pregnancy and birth for many American woman

Having Twins and More by Elizabeth Noble
the most comprehensive guide to everything you want to know about multiples

Hold Your Prem by Jill Bergman with Dr. Nils Bergman
invaluable resource regarding best practices around early days for term infants and especially care for premature babies, exceptionally useful to empower parents with premies and as a resource for professionals who long for deep understanding of this exceptionally significant time for brain development

Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
from one of the most well respected mid-wives, useful guidance to best empower and support women through pregnancy and birth

Let Birth Be Born Again by Jean Sutton
a seasoned midwife explains how to go through the process of pure natural birth and what is naturally easiest and most empowering

Nobody Told Me About That - The First Six Weeks by Ginger Breedlove
the most comprehensive book about the postpartum time and it gives a realistic and useful perspective on a challenging, beautiful and significant time for mother and baby

Nurturing the Family-The Guide for Postpartum Doulas by Jacqueline Kelleher
explains the proper role of the doula in supporting new moms and families

Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn by Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley and Ann Keppler
comprehensive overview of all the stages of pregnancy, birth, labor and for the new parent-to-be, a must have!

Rediscovering Birth by Shelia Kitzinger
an anthropological and intriguing look at the history of birth and what birth should be, before modern medicine and technology

The Scientification of Love by Michel Odent
describes the significance of a baby's birth experience (peaceful to violent) and its relevance to its view of life as an adult

The Secret Life of the Unborn Child by Thomas Verny
pioneering research showing that unborn babies are aware, capable, and feeling, and how you can prepare your child for a healthy, happy life

Silent Knife-Cesarean Prevention & Vaginal Birth After Cesarean by Nancy Wainer Cohen and Lois J. Estner
a comprehensive guide to the history of cesarean birth in the U.S. with valuable personal stories and a multitude of factual background

Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin
the classic book for natural birth, includes the best collection of birth stories around

This Isn't What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression by Karen Kleiman & Valerie Raskin
understanding postpartum mood disorders, including why it happens, when to ask for help and how to manage with support

Thinking Women's Guide to A Better Birth by Henci Goer
a brilliant book that reviews the benefits and risks of interventions during pregnancy and labor

The Vital Touch by Sharon Heller
about family building, touch and attachment, and how modern society limits the benefits to babies of touch

When Survivors Give Birth by Penny Simkin
brilliantly highlights challenges of pregnancy and birth for sexual abuse survivors and the great healing potential too

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche League
a wonderful book summarizing the basics you need to know, the benefits, and how to get through the challenges


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